  • ທ້າວ ລົດ ໄດ້ວຽກຢູ່ບໍລິສັດ ວີແອລພີ ເອັນເຕີເທນເມັ້ນ, ພາຍຫຼັງທີ່ລາວໄດ້ເຮັດວຽກ ສິ່ງທຳອິດທີ່ສຳຄັນແມ່ນສາມາດຫາລ້ຽງຊີບຕົວເອງ ແລະ ຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອຄອບຄົວໄດ້. ອີກຢ່າງໜຶ່ງກໍຄືຊ່ວຍໃຫ້ຮູ້ເຖິງການໃຊ້ຊິວິດຮ່ວມກັບຄົນອື່ນກັບໂລກພາຍນອກເຖິິງແມ່ນເຮົາຈະມີຄວາມບົກພ່ອງແຕ່ບາງສິ່ງບາງຢ່າງຖ້າເຮົາມີຄວາມອົດທົນ ແລະ ຕັ້ງໃຈເຮົາກໍ່ສາມາດເອົາໂຕເອງລອດ ຍັງສາມາດເຮັດໃຫ້ເຮົາພັດທະນາຕົວເອງຂຶ້ນຕື່ມ.
    Mr. Loth was employed at the VLP Entertainment Company, after he worked, the first thing that was important was to be able to earn to cover himself and help his family. Another is that helping to know using the life with others with the outside, even we would have impairment but something if we have patience and determination, we can survive, it can also make us develop ourselves further.
    *ຂໍ້ມູນຈາກ: https://www.facebook.com/dmascenter
    ທ້າວ ລົດ ໄດ້ວຽກຢູ່ບໍລິສັດ ວີແອລພີ ເອັນເຕີເທນເມັ້ນ, ພາຍຫຼັງທີ່ລາວໄດ້ເຮັດວຽກ ສິ່ງທຳອິດທີ່ສຳຄັນແມ່ນສາມາດຫາລ້ຽງຊີບຕົວເອງ ແລະ ຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອຄອບຄົວໄດ້. ອີກຢ່າງໜຶ່ງກໍຄືຊ່ວຍໃຫ້ຮູ້ເຖິງການໃຊ້ຊິວິດຮ່ວມກັບຄົນອື່ນກັບໂລກພາຍນອກເຖິິງແມ່ນເຮົາຈະມີຄວາມບົກພ່ອງແຕ່ບາງສິ່ງບາງຢ່າງຖ້າເຮົາມີຄວາມອົດທົນ ແລະ ຕັ້ງໃຈເຮົາກໍ່ສາມາດເອົາໂຕເອງລອດ ຍັງສາມາດເຮັດໃຫ້ເຮົາພັດທະນາຕົວເອງຂຶ້ນຕື່ມ. Mr. Loth was employed at the VLP Entertainment Company, after he worked, the first thing that was important was to be able to earn to cover himself and help his family. Another is that helping to know using the life with others with the outside, even we would have impairment but something if we have patience and determination, we can survive, it can also make us develop ourselves further. *ຂໍ້ມູນຈາກ: https://www.facebook.com/dmascenter
    0 ຄໍາເຫັນ 0 Shares 238 ເບິ່ງ
  • ມັກ
    0 ຄໍາເຫັນ 0 Shares 343 ເບິ່ງ
  • ເລື່ອງລາວຂອງ ລັດຕະຢາ
    ນາງ ລັດຕະຢາ ປັນຍາທອງ ອາຍຸໄດ້ 27 ປີ ຕອນອາຍຸ 4ປີ ເລີ່ມເປັນພະຍາດກາຍເປັນຄົນຫູໜວກ ໄດ້ໃຊ້ພາສາມື ລາວຈົບການສຶກສາຈາກໂຮຽຮຽນສຶກສາພິເສດຄົນຫູໜວກ. ຮອດປີ 2018 ໄດ້ເລີ່ມເຂົ້າເຮັດວຽກຮ້ານກາເຟ Minna no Cafe ທີ່ADDP, ຫຼັງຈາກນັ້ນລາວໄດ້ຍ້າຍໄປເຮັດວຽກຢູ່ສູນຂໍ້ມູນ-ຂ່າວສານສຳລັບການສຶກສາພິເສດ ທີ່ວິທະຍາໄລຄູ ດົງຄຳຊ້າງ (TTC) ແລະ ເຮັດວຽກຢູ່ສະມາຄົມຄົນຫູໜວກອາທິດລະ 1ມື້ ຈົນຮອດປະຈຸບັນນີ້.
    ເມື່ອໄດ້ເຮັດວຽກແລ້ວລາວສາມາດລ້ຽງຕົນເອງໄດ້, ຊ່ວຍຄອບຄົວ ແລະ ແບ່ງເບົາພາລະຂອງຄອບຄົວຂ້ອຍໄດ້ຊ່ວຍສົ່ງນ້ອງ 2ຄົນຮຽນ ແລະ ສາມາດຮຽນຮູ້ພົບກັນສົງຄົມໃໝ່ໆ.
    ລັດຕະຢາ ດີໃຈທີ່ໄດ້ເຮັດວຽກທີ່ມັກ ແລະ ນັ້ນເຮັດໃຫ້ລາວມີຄວາມສຸກໃນຊີວິດປະຈໍາວັນ. ສະນັ້ນ, ສິ່ງທີ່ລາວຫວັງໄວ້ໃນອານາຄົດມັນກໍ່ຈະເກີດຂື້ນໄດ້.
    Story of Lattaya
    Lattaya Punyathong was 27 years old, when she was 4 years old, began to become deaf, used her sign language, she graduated from a special school of deaf people. By 2018, he had begun working at the Minna no Cafe at ADDP, after that she moved to Data Information Center for Special Education at Dongkhamxang Teacher Training College (TTC) and worked at the Deaf Association 1 day a week until now.
    Once she has worked, she can support herself, help her family and decrease family's burden, support 2 siblings to school and be able to learn to meet new society.
    Lattaya is glad to do a job that she likes and that makes her happy in everyday life. Thus, what she hopes for in the future will happen.
    *ຂໍ້ມູນຈາກ: https://www.facebook.com/dmascenter
    ເລື່ອງລາວຂອງ ລັດຕະຢາ ນາງ ລັດຕະຢາ ປັນຍາທອງ ອາຍຸໄດ້ 27 ປີ ຕອນອາຍຸ 4ປີ ເລີ່ມເປັນພະຍາດກາຍເປັນຄົນຫູໜວກ ໄດ້ໃຊ້ພາສາມື ລາວຈົບການສຶກສາຈາກໂຮຽຮຽນສຶກສາພິເສດຄົນຫູໜວກ. ຮອດປີ 2018 ໄດ້ເລີ່ມເຂົ້າເຮັດວຽກຮ້ານກາເຟ Minna no Cafe ທີ່ADDP, ຫຼັງຈາກນັ້ນລາວໄດ້ຍ້າຍໄປເຮັດວຽກຢູ່ສູນຂໍ້ມູນ-ຂ່າວສານສຳລັບການສຶກສາພິເສດ ທີ່ວິທະຍາໄລຄູ ດົງຄຳຊ້າງ (TTC) ແລະ ເຮັດວຽກຢູ່ສະມາຄົມຄົນຫູໜວກອາທິດລະ 1ມື້ ຈົນຮອດປະຈຸບັນນີ້. ເມື່ອໄດ້ເຮັດວຽກແລ້ວລາວສາມາດລ້ຽງຕົນເອງໄດ້, ຊ່ວຍຄອບຄົວ ແລະ ແບ່ງເບົາພາລະຂອງຄອບຄົວຂ້ອຍໄດ້ຊ່ວຍສົ່ງນ້ອງ 2ຄົນຮຽນ ແລະ ສາມາດຮຽນຮູ້ພົບກັນສົງຄົມໃໝ່ໆ. ລັດຕະຢາ ດີໃຈທີ່ໄດ້ເຮັດວຽກທີ່ມັກ ແລະ ນັ້ນເຮັດໃຫ້ລາວມີຄວາມສຸກໃນຊີວິດປະຈໍາວັນ. ສະນັ້ນ, ສິ່ງທີ່ລາວຫວັງໄວ້ໃນອານາຄົດມັນກໍ່ຈະເກີດຂື້ນໄດ້. Story of Lattaya Lattaya Punyathong was 27 years old, when she was 4 years old, began to become deaf, used her sign language, she graduated from a special school of deaf people. By 2018, he had begun working at the Minna no Cafe at ADDP, after that she moved to Data Information Center for Special Education at Dongkhamxang Teacher Training College (TTC) and worked at the Deaf Association 1 day a week until now. Once she has worked, she can support herself, help her family and decrease family's burden, support 2 siblings to school and be able to learn to meet new society. Lattaya is glad to do a job that she likes and that makes her happy in everyday life. Thus, what she hopes for in the future will happen. *ຂໍ້ມູນຈາກ: https://www.facebook.com/dmascenter
    0 ຄໍາເຫັນ 0 Shares 494 ເບິ່ງ
  • ບາງເທັກນິກກ່ອນການສຳພາດ ແລະ ລະຫວ່າງສຳພາດ ທີ່ເຮົາແນະນຳໃຫ້ກັບຜູ້ຊອກວຽກທີ່ມີຄວາມພິການ
    Some techniques before the interview and during interviews that we recommend to job seekers with disabilities.
    *ຂໍ້ມູນຈາກ: mibextid=RUbZ1f">https://fb.watch/lUUJrOfupN/mibextid=RUbZ1f
    ບາງເທັກນິກກ່ອນການສຳພາດ ແລະ ລະຫວ່າງສຳພາດ ທີ່ເຮົາແນະນຳໃຫ້ກັບຜູ້ຊອກວຽກທີ່ມີຄວາມພິການ Some techniques before the interview and during interviews that we recommend to job seekers with disabilities. *ຂໍ້ມູນຈາກ: https://fb.watch/lUUJrOfupN/?mibextid=RUbZ1f
    0 ຄໍາເຫັນ 1 Shares 471 ເບິ່ງ
  • ມັກ
    0 ຄໍາເຫັນ 0 Shares 285 ເບິ່ງ