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The word "time" has many meanings in English. Here are a few of them:

  • The measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues: This is the most common definition of time. It is used to measure the duration of events, such as "how long did it take you to get here?" or "how much time do we have left?"
  • A nonspatial continuum that is measured in terms of events which succeed one another from past through present to future: This definition of time refers to the fact that time is not a physical object, but rather a concept that we use to order events. It is also used to refer to the past, present, and future.
  • Leisure: This definition of time refers to the time that we have free from work or other obligations. We often use time for leisure activities, such as reading, watching TV, or spending time with friends and family.
  • A historical period: This definition of time refers to a specific period of history, such as the Middle Ages or the Renaissance.
  • A division of geologic chronology: This definition of time refers to a specific division of geologic time, such as the Cenozoic Era or the Mesozoic Era.
  • Conditions at present or at some specified period: This definition of time refers to the specific conditions that exist at a particular time, such as the weather or the economy.

The word "time" can also be used as a verb, in which case it means to measure or determine the time of something. For example, we might say "I timed my run" or "the clock is timing the race."