As adventurers battle terrifying demons throughout Diablo 4's world of Sanctuary, their armor and weapons will inevitably become damaged or outdated. Luckily, the game features a robust salvaging system that lets players break down old equipment to craft upgrade materials and buy Diablo 4 gold. This guide will explain how to effectively salvage gear in Diablo 4.

Visiting the Blacksmith

The first step is locating a Blacksmith in any of Diablo 4's towns. These craftsmen can repair damaged armor and forge new weapons using salvaged materials. Speak to a Blacksmith and select the "Salvage" option to begin breaking down old gear.

Salvaging Inventory Items

On the salvage screen, players will see their equipped armor and weapons as well as Diablo 4 Items currently in their inventory. Any sellable item of Rare quality or lower can be salvaged. Highlight the unwanted gear and select "Salvage" to deconstruct it into raw materials.

Earning Salvage Materials

When an item is salvaged, players will receive Crafting Materials based on the item's quality and level. Common items yield Common Materials while Magic items provide Uncommon Materials. Rare equipment breaks down into Rare Materials which are used to increase inventory space and unlock special Blacksmith tools.

Item Quality Materials Earned
Common Common Crafting Materials
Magic Uncommon Crafting Materials
Rare Rare Crafting Materials

Crafting with Materials

Players can then access the Blacksmith's Crafting menu and spend the harvested materials to Reinforce their current weapons and armor. Full reinforcement offers power boosts but requires rare materials. Crafting also allows fusing multiple items into randomly generated new equipment.

Salvaging Sets

Unique item sets in Diablo 4 drop as separated armors and jewelry that can be assembled. Set bonuses active when wearing full sets. Salvaging a full six-piece set awards a Set Sigil that grants access to bonus legendary powers when equipped.

Salvaging Legendary Items

The rarest legendary drops cannot be salvaged, but provide long-term buffs when crafted into legendary gems. These socket into helmets and armor, boosting core stats. Breaking down legendary gear also yields Dusts that strengthen gem powers over time.

Stockpiling Materials

Can't craft immediately? Materials occupy no stash space, so salvage everything possible to prepare for future upgrades. With enough Dusts and Reinforced items, legendary gems reach their maximum potential, along with characters fully equipped with optimized sets. Proper salvaging directly contributes to increased strength when taking on Diablo 4's endgame challenges.

Buying Materials from Traders

For players short on salvaged components, visiting material traders in towns offers an alternative. They sell common and uncommon reagents for gold. With some buy Diablo 4 gold from online retailers, even rare reagents become affordable when stockpiling for epic upgrades before entering Nightmare difficulty.



The Importance of Salvaging

By diligently breaking down unneeded gear, Diablo 4 adventurers guarantee a constant flow of crafting components. This salvaging economy forms the backbone of character progress as players strengthen equipment, unlock Blacksmith recipes, and socket powerful gems. Don't let salvageable Diablo 4 items go to waste - break them down and facilitate your character's journey to ever greater power!

Read more: How to salvage your gear and why you should in Diablo 4